InsideOut Spiritual Healing
Spiritual Healing & Life Coaching
Teaching you to integrate your mind & body with your Spirit
Retreats & Workshops
I am currently looking for suitable accommodation to run retreats in 2023. Some retreats to look forward to:
Yoga, Breathing & Meditation - for beginners (3 days, 2 night)
Yoga & Healing (3 days 2 nights)
Return to Source - Level 1 Chakra Balancing (3 days, 2 night)
Return to Source - Level 2 Shamanic Journey (3 days, 2 nights)
Silent Retreat (3 days, 2 nights)
I also run meditations & sound baths for Artfulness Retreats - (3 days, 2 night) (click to go to Artfulness Retreats Website)
I run all meditation classes incorporated in this relaxing retreat. It also includes massage & painting/art class.
Beginner Meditation
3 days 2 nights​
These meditation workshops are suitable for people who have never meditated before, through to people who do it on a regular basis. Bringing mindfulness to every part of our being which cultivates an inner calm and follows through into our thoughts & actions .
Meditation has been around for thousands of years, practiced by many cultures & religions, this alone speaks volumes as to how important and effective it really is.
There’s an epidemic of sorts sweeping across our society, where people, not just adults but children as young as 6 are feeling stressed, suffering anxiety, are tired and weary, unable to concentrate and are very easily irritated.
For meditation to REALLY be effective, it is something that needs to be practiced on a regular basis. It is advised to literally schedule time in each day to sit & be still, & as I said, to really reap the benefits of meditation, it is something that needs to be cultivated. Just like going to the gym, to see & feel the real benefits, you need to make the time to go regularly for several months.
When we take time during the day to stop and focus on the present, it helps to create a stronger control of the mind’s function and productivity. By controlling senses and breathing, it’s easier to let go of thoughts and feelings of the past and future, thus re-training the brain to focus on what is happening in the present moment. By doing this we teach the brain to stay focused on one task at a time instead of working on one thing but thinking about the other 10 things we need to do, making our time MUCH more productive.
I have had meditation clients in the past who went from working 12-14 hour days just to get through their daily workload (not even realising the stress they were putting their mind & body under), to completing everything that needed to be done in literally half the time, without rushing and stressing through it and finding their energy levels were much higher. Why? because they were present, because they were breathing deeply & this makes us much more productive. A task that we approach in a stressful manner that might take 2 hours to complete will literally be done in 20 minutes if our mind is free to do so.
Following are some benefits of meditation. Bringing your focus to the body and your breath, in order to improve concentration (being present) and promote open awareness of thought and feelings.
Clarity and focus – Most people find themselves facing a ‘fight or flight’ decision an average of 12 times each day. The state of ‘fight or flight’ is an acute stress response that can adversely affect digestion, heart rate, respiratory rate and the general effectiveness of the immune system. If people are busy simply trying to survive, their minds will become hazy in all that they do.
Improved Communication – A clear mind will express clear thoughts. Clear communication is a result of the clarity and focus that meditation brings.
It is a documented fact that meditation has wonderful benefits for our well-being.
Health benefits of meditation include relief from stress, anxiety, depression, insomnia, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome and acute respiratory infection. It increases IQ, pain tolerance and helps in weight loss. It is also beneficial in maintaining blood pressure.
It is a documented fact that mediation has wonderful benefits for our well-being.
Health benefits include relief from stress, anxiety, depression, insomnia, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome and acute respiratory infection. It increases IQ, pain tolerance and helps in weight loss. It is also beneficial in maintaining blood pressure.
SOME other benefits of Meditation:
Reduces physical pain and enhances the body’s immune system
Reduces feelings of depression, anxiety, anger and confusion, any kind of ‘stress’.
Increases blood flow and slows the heart rate.
Provides a sense of calm, peace and balance.
Improves communication, eliminating the fear of confrontation.
A sense of happiness, even excitement (for life) starts to manifest from within.
Helps reverse heart disease.
Boosts memory.
Helps control thoughts, switching them to a more positive outlook.
Increases energy.
Re- program your thoughts.
Helps heal the mind, body & the spirit.
Price - $-
(We also offer one on one meditation for those who prefer a private session).
3 Days 2 nights
This Workshop is designed for those who feel ready to start delving deep into their own Self & connect with Spirit. For those of you who have been dabbling & are highly intrigued & interested in all the ‘spiritual stuff' & want to take it further but don’t know what to do, or have found reasons not to. For people who are feeling a pull towards & are ready to delve deep & start weeding out their wounds in order to begin living their authentic life with grace. For those who are ready to Return to Source.
It is time for you to start putting yourself as a priority, giving yourself love & care, filling your own cup before filling everyone else’s. When we take care of ourselves first, we have so much more to give to our loved ones. It is time, step into your power.
Right NOW we are IN a very intense period of change. Everyone’s feeling it, things are in a way, being turned upside down. Collectively, anxiety is high as we are being pushed, more than ever, to rid ourselves of what no longer serves us, TO CHANGE. The walls of protection we built that keep us in our comfort zone are wanting to come down, our Spirit is pushing for this as these walls, which once served a purpose, now hinder our path. It’s time to break down the walls of fear & step into our truth, our Love.
​In this workshop you will learn to Meditate, to heal yourself whilst meditating, to connect to Spirit, to ask for things & how to use your words for your Highest Good. You will learn what all this ‘spiritual stuff’ is about, through open discussions & asking questions ‘what is energy?’ ‘how do we use this energy?’ ‘what do people mean by synchronicity?’ ‘why do I keep seeing 222 or 444 everywhere?’, ‘what are chakras?’, ‘what do feathers mean?’, ‘what’s the deal with crystals?’ ‘what does it mean when THIS happens?’.
​It will give you an enhanced, yet simple understanding of how our thoughts affect our physical body. How our thoughts create our entire life. An opportunity to go deep into your subconscious and start weeding out what no longer serves you, making room for all the good stuff.
​This is an intuitively guided workshop, meaning it is not planned out entirely, whatever comes up through our discussion will be the focus on our healing, for it is very important that we understand the depth of how much we are all connected, & there is a reason why each of you are in this group together, all of us can learn & grow from each other.
​Each gathering we will focus on particular Chakras, starting with the Root Chakra. Learning how to unblock them and what thoughts & actions caused the blockage, thus infecting our world with things that aren’t even real, meaning anything that is not, or does not come from Love. Clearing & balancing whilst learning what its function is we will make our way up through each energy centre (Chakra) we will finally end at our Crown, which relies on all the others below to be balanced in order to take us to a place of unconditional love, not only towards ourselves, but towards our fellow human and all of creation. Connecting us to Source.
​​Once we have completed the balancing of all our chakras & energy field, we will journey into our Heart Centre & spend time with our inner child. Our inner child is where our actions come from, our subconscious thought. They will be feeling very vulnerable having cleared so much. We must have them feel safe so that they don’t start acting out (like a child) & building those walls up again. We will speak to them, comfort them & nurture them into a sense of trust, convincing them that their fear & protection is no longer needed, as we (the adult) are more than capable of taking care of US.
Your awareness will expand & your perception will change. You will experience a deep ‘knowing’ internally and in your outer world. You will begin to experience Love at its purest every moment of the day. You will naturally have more compassion, kindness and forgiveness. This of course is a choice, and will happen at different times for each of us. We are all on our own path and will shed our skin in our own Divine timing.
​You will begin to understand the importance of every single moment, how every little thing going on around us is created from us & how it is happening FOR us. You will begin to understand it all & be guided into a life that you want, that you yearn for. You will learn how to use the infinite love & guidance that is around us at all times.
​After having stripped away what is blocking you from Source, you will have everything & anything at your disposal. Guidance, Healing, constant Love & Protection, & you will FEEL THIS.
​Ultimately, you will be learning how to truly Love yourself, completely & unconditionally.
​You will innately start to live each moment as a blessing, no matter what is thrown at you.
​I must be honest here & state that to step into your spiritual path, it is not an easy process. It takes constant, conscious effort. Hard truths about yourself will become present. It is HARD WORK. But more than worth it, for you will begin to truly live the life you want, the life you came here to live, with purpose.
2 Days 1 night in a 5 star farm stay
Price - $-
​​ Course outline will be sent by email once Deposit is paid.
Level 2
Shamanic Workshop
Healing Deep into your Past
3 Days 2 nights
If you are ready to deeply connect with life. If you are wanting to have deep & meaningful relationships with people & more importantly, with yourself. If you are ready to let go of old belief systems & change current habits which no longer serve you. If you feel lost, confused, not knowing what your purpose here is, and are ready to receive clarity & self awareness in order to start truly living this gift of life we have been given.
If you are feeling a pull to a deeper connection with nature & with our Creator/Source. If you are ready to delve into the depths of your Spirit and gently pull out the muggy energy that is clogging all your senses, and bring in the divine light from our Creator, to allow in the abundant, magical energy where wondrous miracles can happen. If you feel ready to stop living in fear & step into your innate nature of Love. If you’ve tried a number of different things but have struggled to change or move forward, it is now time to go inwards.
​This workshop is very intense. You will be guided into healing your past in order to move forward on a path of love & illumination. Letting go of anything that no longer serves you, making room for the Divine Light to enter. In order to welcome this Divine Love, we must first make room for it.
You all know that everything is energy, our thoughts, our actions, our words, all create a ripple of energy out into the universe which in turn creates our reality. This is the Laws of Nature.
A lot of our habits come from very old past life energy that has not been healed & we have carried it on, maybe even into every life time, acting out the same behaviour.
In this workshop you will travel to past lives & clear these energies that no longer serve you. You will cut energy ties with people, in this life & from past lives, making a clear path for a new energy to come through.
You will undergo soul retrieval, bringing back any fragments of your Spirit which has left & not entirely returned through fear or shock. You will clear any energy which once did in fact serve you, has somehow protected you from being 'hurt' again, but it is no longer needed as it holds you back from living your authentic life NOW.
​You will learn about your Spirit Guides, you will meet them & interact with them. A truly sacred time.
​​Learning to connect with Nature is a part of the Healing process. Once we connect all our senses to all the life and guidance around us, life begins to flow, synchronicity becomes a way of life that guides us, a deep knowing starts to cultivate, a knowing that all is as it should be.
Leave any expectations you may have at home, for every Journey & Healing are different. Your Spirit calls forth what is needed in that moment to Heal in order for you to start living your truth & move with ease through this gift called Life.
​You must be ready to step out of your comfort zone. When we are ready for change, we must also be ready for the discomfort that comes with it. You will be undergoing a very powerful process & you must be ready to honour yourself & dedicate the time to clear, balance & start to fulfil your purpose. Here you are given a choice to re-calibrate yourself and step into a new way of being.
​​Healing can only work in its entirety if you are truly ready to undertake in the personal work & begin your journey into genuine change. It is not an easy process & requires conscious effort.
My role is to guide you along the way, but it's up to you to do the work. You must truly be ready for huge changes to start rumbling through your existence, and the fact that you are reading this is a clear sign that you are in fact, ready.
Course outline will be sent by email once Deposit is paid.
Price - $-
​​ Course outline will be sent by email once Deposit is paid.
Silent Workshop
Know Thyself
2 Days 1 night
For Silence to be truly beneficial, it is something that needs to be cultivated, to be practiced regularly.
Silence is extremely important for spiritual growth. Society has taught us to live with noise, which drowns out our truth, our knowing, our sacred connectedness. Silence is very important in getting to know the real (current) you, what habitual thoughts keep you stuck in the same cycles. It can be a challenging process for most, to sit with self with no distractions. This is why I’m holding Silent Workshops in a Sacred Space where people feel safe & nurtured.
The key to change, the key to REALLY GETTING TO KNOW YOURSELF is to be still & listen. It is very challenging at first, but after practicing silence, you begin to observe your thoughts & feelings without any attachment or judgment, & this is where growth occurs, as we find the parts within that need to change in order to live a loving, happy life.
The benefits of silence are astonishing. There are scientific benefits, and there are great spiritual benefits (& I’ve only listed a few below).
Scientific Benefits
Improves Memory. Going for a walk in the park alone can cause brain growth in the hippocampus (the region that regulates emotions).
Stimulates Brain Cell Growth. Sitting in silence could also boost brain growth by creating new cells.
Relieves Stress. Noise has a pronounced physical effect on the brain, which can lead to elevated heart beat/stress levels.
Fights Insomnia. Spending a few minutes a day in silence can lead to improved sleep.
Heart Protection. Silence is amazing for the heart & blood pressure.
(& so much more)
Great Spiritual Benefits
Silence teaches you the value of words & how powerful they can be. Learning to be still in silence teaches you to speak only when necessary before speaking you will learn to know 'is this kind?' 'is this loving?' 'is this necessary?'.
Silence helps you remember why you are here. It helps you reconnect with Divine Source.
It helps you reconnect with your inner power, your courage, strength & confidence to live your truth in alignment with your purpose.
It helps you find your inner peace, your inner stillness, & to stay centred no matter what life throws at you.
It teaches you compassion, to see your fellow human as a reflection of yourself & to treat them with the same love & respect you yourself want.
It helps you experience your own bliss.
Silence helps you tap into your own Soul's wisdom. All the answers are there, we just need to quiet the noise.
It helps us feel the connection that we have to EVERYTHING.
Silence is where you can hear the voice of God, which dwells within.
'Be still & know that I am God!' Psalm 46:10
Price - $-
​ Course outline will be sent by email once Deposit is paid.
​Booking will be open once new Website is ready. Limited to 12 people.
Prices to be advised.
All Workshops will run several times throughout the year. Dates to be advised.
Please be open to Return to Source Workshops running a little overtime.
*50% DEPOSIT REQUIRED FOR ALL WORKSHOPS by bank transfer/cash. Remainder may be paid in agreed installments.
*7 day cancellation period - Full refund will be given to cancellations made before the 7 day period. Deposit kept within the 7 days.
*BOOKINGS ARE ESSENTIAL - Spot will only be saved once deposit is made.
*Anyone suffering from stress related illness must have written permission from therapist to partake.