InsideOut Spiritual Healing
Spiritual Healing & Life Coaching
Teaching you to integrate your mind & body with your Spirit
Sacred Circle of Healing & Meditation
New & Full Moon Manifesting
Held in conjunction with the New or Full Moon, as this is the most powerful time to manifest our hearts desires (New Moon) or clear the path for these desires (Full Moon).
New Moon Manifesting
New Moons are a time for initiating new beginnings & fresh starts. During New Moon meditation we will quickly clear our path & raise our vibration in line with what it is we truly desire. Making room for new thoughts & energy to enter. This helps with any aspect of life, be it personal or professional . Then with powerful visualisation & in a dream like state, we will set out into the Universe the manifestation & intent of what we truly desire.
Full Moon Manifesting
During Full Moon meditations, we will rid ourselves of any false belief systems that we are merely in the habit of saying & feeling. They no longer serve us & are keeping us from feeling true happiness & moving forward on our illuminated path. Quite a powerful Healing.
Shamanic Journey - Meeting with Your
Spirit Guides
A deep Sacred Journey where we meet with our Spirit Guides. We always enter with an intent or question for them & feel their Divine Guidance and Healing. A truly blessed time.
6.45pm - 8.15pm